Visit to the boathouse- collection from there at 3pm- Friday 11th October. Maths Week- dress up day- Tuesday 15th October
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St Mary's Primary School


Welcome to our Governors' section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Rev. Fr Brian Daly - Chairperson - Trustee

Noel Mc Curdy - Vice Chairperson/The Department of Education NI

Rev. Fr Barney Mc Cahery -  - Trustee

Mr Ciaran Mc Curdy - Trustee

John Mc Curdy - Trustee

Dr Jessica Bates - Education Authority NI

Margaret Mc Quilkin- Education Authority NI

Tania Mc Faul - Parent

Mr. Eddie McGuigan - Principal (non-voting)
