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St Mary's Primary School

Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome




I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to St. Mary’s Primary School- probably the most unique primary school in the country. We are proud to be an Island school serving the people of Rathlin. As Principal, I want to continue to develop the values which underpin everything we do as an island school; preserving our unique identity while adapting an innovative approach to all we do.

We have a small but dedicated team of staff who endeavour to provide exciting and enriching experiences for our children across the curriculum. We value every child as an individual and we believe that our staff make a real difference – to give the very best education, both academically and socially, to our pupils.

Parents and carers play a very important part of school life and we value our strong partnership with them.

Together, we share responsibility for the children’s education and we work closely putting the children at the centre of everything we do. We encourage our parents to become involved in all aspects of school life, so that, as partners, we can promote high standards of learning, behaviour and attitudes to enable every child to reach their full potential.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have.


‘Beag agus Bródúil: Small and Proud!’

Eddie McGuigan


