- Primary 1- Primary 3*- School starts at 9:00am and ends at 2:00pm
(*Children in P3 will stay until 3:00pm after the Easter break.)
- Primary 4 - Primary 7- School starts at 9:00am and ends at 3:00pm.
- Breaktime: 10:40am- 11:00am (please provide your child with a healthy snack)
- Lunchtime: 12:10pm- 1:00pm
- All pupils finish at 2:00pm on a Friday.
- Lateness and attendance is monitored regularly by the school.
All children must be collected by an appropriate adult.
NB: The school will inform you of any changes during incidents of inclement weather e.g. high winds/snow when ferry disruption is likely- please refer to our Remote Learning policy.